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Il restauro dei materiali lapidei
vol I
Maria Cristina Improta
ISBN: 978-88-7038-512-0
pag. 256
cm 17x24
year 2012
price: € 25
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The eighth much-anticipated volume in the series that gathers together the most significant contributions published over the course of the years in the OPD Restoration Journal is dedicated to the field of stonework of the Opificio delle Pietre Dure in Florence.
In the same series:
1. Works on paper
2. Restoration of paintings. Interventions and research
3. Polychrome wood sculpture. Research and models of restoration
4. Wall paintings: restoration and material
5. Wall painting: restoration and history
6. Restoration of mosaics and pietra dura
7. Restoration of textiles
nella stessa collana:
il Restauro del Mosaico e del Commesso in Pietre Dure
Il restauro dei materiali lapidei vol. II
Maria Cristina Improta