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From Pattern to Nature in Italian Renaissance Drawing: Pisanello to Leonardo
M. W. Kwakkelstein, L. Melli
ISBN: 9788870385069
year 2012
price: € 30
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The ninth volume of the series on Italy and the Low Countries by the Dutch Institute of Art History in Florence contributes to clarifying the motivations behind the persistent use of model-books in the Italian Renaissance workshop, such as that of Benozzo Gozzoli or Antonio del Pollaiuolo, and their influence on life drawing, which was practiced from the second half of the century and was based on living models and animals. In particular, it is necessary to delve further into the relationship between the medieval practice of copying from model-books and the new methods, techniques and stylistic experiments of the artists responding to the increasing request for a naturalistic imitation of the real model, illuminating them as practices motivated by diverse instances, they were able to coexist for a long time inside the fifteenth-century workshops.
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Giambologna tra Firenze e l’Europa