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Artisti per Frescobaldi - CastelGiocondo 6. Daniela de Lorenzo / Massimo Bartolini
A cura di Ludovico Pratesi
ISBN: 9788870385823
pp. 64, ill. col. 12, b/n 1
17x24 cm
year 2023
price: € 15
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Artisti per Frescobaldi
was born in 2013 as an international award in contemporary art, through the years giving life to a collection held at the CastelGiocondo estate in Montalcino. Increasingly more tied to the old family tradition of patronage of the arts, in 2023 the project evolved into a commission in view of generating an artistic programme dedicated to the most interesting voices of our time. For the sixth edition of the
Artisti per Frescobaldi
project, Daniela De Lorenzo and Massimo Bartolini were invited to create site-specific works for the outdoor areas of the estate.